
Bygone (Adj.):

Pronunciation: BYE-gone

Word Meaning:

  1. Belonging to an earlier time; past; former.
  2. Something that has happened or existed in the past.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The bygone era is often romanticized for its simplicity.
  2. She reminisced about bygone days spent with friends.


  1. Past
  2. Former
  3. Previous
  4. Olden
  5. Ancient
  6. Earlier
  7. Historical
  8. Departed
  9. Outdated


  1. Current
  2. Present
  3. Modern
  4. Ongoing
  5. Recent
  6. Contemporary
  7. Up-to-date
  8. Existing

Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “bygone” can be translated into Hindi as “गत” (gat) or “कल” (kal).

Word Uses in Hindi:

  1. गत युग को साधारिता के लिए अक्सर आत्मीय किया जाता है। (The bygone era is often romanticized for its simplicity.)
  2. उसने दोस्तों के साथ बिताए गए कल की यादों की बात की। (She reminisced about bygone days spent with friends.)
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