
Brittle (Adj.)

Pronunciation: brit-l

Word Meaning: “Brittle” as an adjective describes something that is easily broken, cracked, or shattered. It can also refer to things that lack flexibility or resilience, making them prone to breaking.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The old leaves were so brittle that they crumbled at the touch.
  2. The cookie was delicious but a bit brittle, breaking into pieces easily.
  3. The drought made the soil so brittle that it cracked open.


  1. Fragile
  2. Crisp
  3. Breakable
  4. Frangible
  5. Delicate


  1. Flexible
  2. Tough
  3. Resilient
  4. Durable
  5. Elastic

Word Meaning in Hindi: The Hindi translation of “brittle” is “भंगुर” (Bhangur) or “नाजुक” (Najuk).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पुराने पत्तियाँ इतनी भंगुर थीं कि उन्हें छूने पर चुर-चुर हो गई। (The old leaves were so brittle that they crumbled at the touch.)
  2. कुकी स्वादिष्ट थी लेकिन थोड़ी सी भंगुर थी, जो आसानी से टूट जाती थी। (The cookie was delicious but a bit brittle, breaking into pieces easily.)
  3. सूखा ने मिट्टी को इतना भंगुर बना दिया कि यह फट जाती थी। (The drought made the soil so brittle that it cracked open.)
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