
Bridle (V)

Pronunciation: brahy-dl

Word Meaning: As a verb, “bridle” means to control, restrain, or bring under control, especially in a metaphorical sense. It can also refer to the act of guiding or managing something.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. She had to bridle her anger during the disagreement.
  2. The manager tried to bridle the rising tension in the team.
  3. He found it challenging to bridle his excitement on the day of the performance.


  1. Control
  2. Restrain
  3. Manage
  4. Check
  5. Constrain


  1. Unleash
  2. Release
  3. Free
  4. Permit
  5. Allow

Word Meaning in Hindi: The Hindi translation of “bridle” as a verb is “नियंत्रित करना” (Niyamtrit karna) or “रोकना” (Rokna).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसने विवाद के दौरान अपना क्रोध नियंत्रित करना पड़ा। (She had to bridle her anger during the disagreement.)
  2. प्रबंधक ने टीम में बढ़ती हुई टेंशन को नियंत्रित करने का प्रयास किया। (The manager tried to bridle the rising tension in the team.)
  3. उसे प्रदर्शन के दिन अपनी उत्साहिता को नियंत्रित करना कठिन लगा। (He found it challenging to bridle his excitement on the day of the performance.)
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