
Breed (V)

Pronunciation: breed

Word Meaning: As a verb, “breed” means to produce offspring through reproduction, especially in the context of animals or plants. It can also be used more broadly to indicate the production or development of something.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The farmers breed cattle for milk and meat production.
  2. These plants have been carefully bred for disease resistance.
  3. The company aims to breed a new generation of innovative thinkers.


  1. Reproduce
  2. Generate
  3. Propagate
  4. Multiply
  5. Develop


  1. Sterilize
  2. Prevent
  3. Halt
  4. Inhibit
  5. Suppress

Word Meaning in Hindi: The Hindi translation of “breed” as a verb is “प्रजनन करना” (Prajanan karna) or “पैदा करना” (Paida karna).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. किसान गायों को दूध और मांस के लिए प्रजनन करते हैं। (The farmers breed cattle for milk and meat production.)
  2. इन पौधों को बीमारी प्रतिरोध के लिए ध्यानपूर्वक प्रजनन किया गया है। (These plants have been carefully bred for disease resistance.)
  3. कंपनी का लक्ष्य एक नए पीढ़ी के उत्कृष्ट सोचने वालों को पैदा करना है। (The company aims to breed a new generation of innovative thinkers.)
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