
Bizarre (Adj.):

Pronunciation: bih-zahr

Word Meaning: “Bizarre” is an adjective used to describe something that is very unusual, strange, or eccentric in appearance, behavior, or character. It refers to things that deviate from the normal or expected and are often perceived as peculiar or outlandish.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The party had a bizarre theme, with guests dressed in costumes that resembled mythical creatures.
  2. The artist’s paintings were so bizarre that they left everyone in awe and confusion.
  3. The professor shared a bizarre theory about time travel that fascinated his students.


  1. Eccentric
  2. Quirky
  3. Unconventional
  4. Outlandish
  5. Peculiar


  1. Ordinary
  2. Normal
  3. Conventional
  4. Common
  5. Mundane

Word Meaning in Hindi: The Hindi translation of “bizarre” is “अजीब” (ajeeb) or “विचित्र” (vichitra).

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पार्टी में एक अजीब विषय था, जिसमें मेहमान ऐसे कपड़े पहने थे जो किस्से साधारित प्राणियों की तरह दिखते थे। (The party had an ajeeb theme, with guests dressed in costumes that resembled mythical creatures.)
  2. चित्रकार की चित्रकलाएँ इतनी विचित्र थीं कि ये सभी को प्रभावित और उदाहरणीय रूप में छोड़ गईं। (The artist’s paintings were so vichitra that they left everyone impressed and puzzled.)
  3. प्रोफेसर ने समय यात्रा के बारे में एक अजीब सिद्धांत साझा किया जो उसके छात्रों को प्रभावित कर दिया। (The professor shared a bizarre theory about time travel that fascinated his students.)
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