
Besiege (V):

  • Pronunciation: bih-seej
  • Word Meaning:
    • To surround a place with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender; to crowd around or overwhelm.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The army decided to besiege the enemy stronghold in an attempt to weaken their defenses.
    2. The journalists besieged the celebrity for interviews and photographs as soon as they arrived at the event.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Surround
    2. Encircle
    3. Blockade
    4. Lay siege to
    5. Envelop
  • Antonyms:
    1. Liberate
    2. Free
    3. Release
    4. Retreat
    5. Abandon
  • Word Meaning in Hindi:
    • घेरना (Gherana) or कब्ज़ा करना (Kabza Karna)
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. सेना ने दुश्मन के बलवान स्थान को कमजोर करने के लिए उसे घेरने का निर्णय लिया। (The army decided to besiege the enemy stronghold in an attempt to weaken their defenses.)
    2. पत्रकार उस सुबही घड़ी जल्दी से आईएवेंट पर पहुँचते ही सेलिब्रिटी से इंटरव्यू और तस्वीरें के लिए घेरने लगे। (The journalists besieged the celebrity for interviews and photographs as soon as they arrived at the event.)
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