
Bereft (Adj.):

  • Pronunciation: bih-reft
  • Word Meaning:
    • Deprived or lacking something, especially a non-material asset; feeling a sense of loss or emptiness.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. After the flood, the villagers were bereft of their homes and belongings.
    2. She felt bereft of joy and enthusiasm after the loss of her beloved pet.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Deprived
    2. Desolate
    3. Stripped
    4. Void
    5. Forlorn
  • Antonyms:
    1. Endowed
    2. Abundant
    3. Possessed
    4. Fulfilled
    5. Replete
  • Word Meaning in Hindi:
    • विरहित (Viraahit) or निर्धन (Nirdhan)
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. बाढ़ के बाद, गाँववाले अपने घरों और सामानों से विरहित थे। (After the flood, the villagers were bereft of their homes and belongings.)
    2. उसने अपने प्यारे पालतू जानवर की हानि के बाद आनंद और उत्साह से विरहित महसूस किया। (She felt bereft of joy and enthusiasm after the loss of her beloved pet.)
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