
Base (Adj.):

  • Pronunciation: beys
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Morally low or lacking principles; dishonorable.
    2. Of low quality or standard; inferior.
    3. Not having or showing higher values of a quality.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. His base actions were condemned by the community.
    2. The product’s base quality did not meet the company’s standards.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Dishonorable
    2. Degenerate
    3. Unprincipled
    4. Inferior
    5. Shabby
  • Antonyms:
    1. Noble
    2. Honorable
    3. Virtuous
    4. Superior
    5. Elevated
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: नीच (Neech), अधीन (Adheen)
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. उसके नीचे किए गए कार्यों को समुदाय ने निंदित किया। (His base actions were condemned by the community.)
    2. उत्पाद की नीची गुणवत्ता कंपनी के मानकों को पूरा नहीं करती थी। (The product’s base quality did not meet the company’s standards.)
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