
Balmy (Adj.)

  • Pronunciation: BAH-mee
  • Word Meaning:
    1. Pleasantly mild and gentle, especially in reference to weather.
    2. Soothing, refreshing, or mild in character.
  • Uses in Sentence:
    1. The balmy breeze and warm sun made it a perfect day for a picnic.
    2. Her balmy words helped calm his anxious mind.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Mild
    2. Pleasant
    3. Soothing
    4. Soft
    5. Temperate
  • Antonyms:
    1. Harsh
    2. Cold
    3. Unpleasant
    4. Rough
    5. Severe
  • Word Meaning in Hindi: मिठा (Mitha), शीतल (Sheetal)
  • Word Uses in Hindi:
    1. मिठा हवा और गरम सूरज ने यह एक पिकनिक के लिए पूरे दिन को सही बना दिया। (The balmy breeze and warm sun made it a perfect day for a picnic.)
    2. उनके मिठे शब्दों ने उसके चिंतित मन को शांत करने में मदद की। (Her balmy words helped calm his anxious mind.)
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