
Arrears (Noun):

Pronunciation: uh-reers

Word Meaning:

  1. The state of being behind or late in payment, especially of debts or bills.
  2. Unsettled, overdue payments that are yet to be made.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. He had to clear the arrears of rent before moving out of the apartment.
  2. The company faced financial difficulties due to the arrears of unpaid invoices.


  1. Debts
  2. Dues
  3. Owing
  4. Backlog
  5. Overdue payments


  1. Payments
  2. Settled
  3. Cleared
  4. Up-to-date
  5. Current

Word Meaning in Hindi: बकाया (Bakaya) / किसी से बाकी राशि (Kisi Se Baaki Rashi)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसे निवास से बाहर जाने से पहले किराए के बकाया को साफ करना था। (He had to clear the arrears of rent before moving out of the apartment.)
  2. कंपनी को बकाया रहित चुकता नहीं होने के कारण वित्तीय कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ा। (The company faced financial difficulties due to the arrears of unpaid invoices.)
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