
Arid (Adj.)

Pronunciation: AR-id

Word Meaning: The adjective “arid” is used to describe land, climate, or conditions that lack moisture, resulting in dryness and a scarcity of vegetation. It can also be used more figuratively to describe something that is dull, uninteresting, or lacking in vitality.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The arid desert landscape stretched for miles without a hint of greenery.
  2. The arid climate of the region made it challenging for agriculture.
  3. The professor’s arid lecture failed to capture the students’ attention.


  1. Dry
  2. Barren
  3. Desiccated
  4. Parched
  5. Sterile
  6. Lifeless


  1. Fertile
  2. Moist
  3. Humid
  4. Lush
  5. Green
  6. Vibrant

Word Meaning in Hindi: शुष्क (Shushk) / बन्जर (Banjar)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. वहां का शुष्क मरुस्थल मीलों तक फैला हुआ था, बिना किसी हरियाली के। (The arid desert landscape stretched for miles without a hint of greenery.)
  2. क्षेत्र की शुष्क जलवायु ने कृषि के लिए चुनौतीपूर्ण बना दिया। (The arid climate of the region made it challenging for agriculture.)
  3. प्रोफेसर का सुश्क व्याख्यान छात्रों का ध्यान आकर्षित करने में असफल रहा। (The professor’s arid lecture failed to capture the students’ attention.)
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