
Arbitrary (Adj.)

Pronunciation: AHR-bi-trer-ee

Word Meaning: The adjective “arbitrary” refers to actions, decisions, or rules that are based on personal choice or whim rather than any consistent principle, reason, or system. It implies a lack of fairness, logic, or objective standards in making decisions.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The dictator made arbitrary decisions without considering the needs of the people.
  2. The teacher’s grading seemed arbitrary, with no clear criteria for evaluation.
  3. The company implemented arbitrary policies that frustrated employees.


  1. Capricious
  2. Unreasonable
  3. Random
  4. Inconsistent
  5. Unpredictable
  6. Whimsical


  1. Rational
  2. Reasonable
  3. Fair
  4. Systematic
  5. Just
  6. Objective

Word Meaning in Hindi: मनमाना (Manmana) / स्वेच्छिक (Swechchik)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. तानाशाह ने लोगों की आवश्यकताओं को ध्यान में नहीं रखते हुए मनमाने निर्णय लिए। (The dictator made arbitrary decisions without considering the needs of the people.)
  2. शिक्षक की ग्रेडिंग में कोई स्पष्ट मूल्यांकन के मापदंड नहीं थे, यह मनमाना लग रहा था। (The teacher’s grading seemed arbitrary, with no clear criteria for evaluation.)
  3. कंपनी ने मनमानी नीतियाँ लागू की जो कर्मचारियों को परेशान कर रही थीं। (The company implemented arbitrary policies that frustrated employees.)
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