
Apposite (Adj.):

Pronunciation: AP-uh-zit

Word Meaning:

  1. Apt or appropriate in a particular context; fitting or suitable.
  2. Relevant or applicable to a particular subject or situation.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The speaker’s apposite remarks added depth and relevance to the discussion.
  2. The choice of music for the film was apposite, enhancing the emotional impact of the scenes.


  1. Apt
  2. Suitable
  3. Relevant
  4. Fitting
  5. Pertinent


  1. Inappropriate
  2. Unsuitable
  3. Irrelevant
  4. Unfitting
  5. Improper

Word Meaning in Hindi: उपयुक्त (Upyukt) / योग्य (Yogya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. वक्ता की उपयुक्त टिप्पणियाँ चर्चा में गहराई और प्रासंगिकता जोड़ती थीं। (The speaker’s apposite remarks added depth and relevance to the discussion.)
  2. फिल्म के लिए संगीत का चयन उपयुक्त था, जो दृश्यों के भावनात्मक प्रभाव को बढ़ावा देने में मदद करता था। (The choice of music for the film was apposite, enhancing the emotional impact of the scenes.)
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