Antonyms MCQs for Competitive Exams


1 / 10

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

2 / 10

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined word in the given sentence.
It is a misconception that the more you learn, the more likely you are to succeed.

3 / 10

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the word ‘moving’ in the given sentence and choose the correct option.
The old grandfather clock chimed loudly, marking the passage of time with its steady tick-tock.

4 / 10

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

5 / 10

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

6 / 10

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

7 / 10

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

8 / 10

Select t he most appropriate ANTONYM of t he given word.

9 / 10

Select t he most appropriate ANTONYM of t he given word.

10 / 10

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

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The average score is 43%


Antonyms MCQs questions with answers from previous year Competitive Exams for free online practice.


Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. They are pairs of words that express contrasting concepts or ideas. Understanding antonyms is crucial for building a rich vocabulary, improving language skills, and performing well in competitive exams that assess verbal abilities.

Examples of Antonyms:

  1. Hot – Cold: The temperature outside is either hot or cold.
  2. Fast – Slow: The car can move at a fast or slow pace.
  3. Happy – Sad: Emotions can range from being happy to feeling sad.
  4. Up – Down: You can go up the stairs or down the elevator.
  5. Rich – Poor: Individuals may be either rich or poor based on their financial status.

Importance for Competitive Exams Preparation:

  1. Vocabulary Enhancement: Learning antonyms expands your vocabulary by introducing words with opposite meanings. This helps in expressing ideas more precisely.
  2. Reading Comprehension: In competitive exams, passages often contain words with contextual antonyms. Understanding these relationships aids in comprehending the overall meaning of the text.
  3. Synonyms and Antonyms Sections: Many competitive exams, including verbal aptitude tests, have dedicated sections for synonyms and antonyms. Proficiency in antonyms is essential for performing well in these sections.
  4. Critical Reasoning: Antonyms are frequently used in critical reasoning questions, where the ability to identify relationships between words is crucial.
  5. Sentence Completion: In exams testing sentence completion or sentence equivalence, knowing antonyms is beneficial for choosing the most appropriate word to complete a sentence.
  6. Essay and Descriptive Writing: A strong grasp of antonyms allows you to express ideas in an essay or descriptive writing with precision, making your writing more compelling.
  7. Enhances Language Skills: Competence in antonyms contributes to overall language proficiency, which is a valuable skill for various competitive exams.

In conclusion, understanding antonyms is integral for competitive exam preparation, especially in verbal reasoning and language assessment sections. It not only helps in answering specific questions but also contributes to a deeper understanding of the nuances of language and effective communication.


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