
Antediluvian (Adj.):

Pronunciation: an-tee-di-loo-vee-uhn

Word Meaning:

  1. Extremely old, ancient, or belonging to a time before the biblical Flood.
  2. Outdated, obsolete, or old-fashioned.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The archaeologist discovered antediluvian artifacts that provided insights into prehistoric civilizations.
  2. The antediluvian technology was no longer effective in the modern era.


  1. Ancient
  2. Prehistoric
  3. Primitive
  4. Archaic
  5. Antiquated


  1. Modern
  2. Contemporary
  3. Current
  4. Up-to-date
  5. Advanced

Word Meaning in Hindi: प्राचीन (Prachin) / पुरातात्विक (Puratatvik)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. खुदाईगर ने प्राचीन खगोलीय रहस्यों का पता लगाया जो प्रागैतिहासिक सभ्यताओं में दर्शनीय थे। (The archaeologist discovered antediluvian artifacts that provided insights into prehistoric civilizations.)
  2. पुरानी तकनीक आधुनिक काल में प्रभावी नहीं थी। (The antediluvian technology was no longer effective in the modern era.)
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