
Antecedent (Adj.):

Pronunciation: an-tuh-SEED-nt

Word Meaning:

  1. Existing or occurring before in time; prior, earlier, or preceding.
  2. Something that comes before or precedes another, especially in a series or chain of events.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The antecedent events led to the current situation.
  2. The discovery of fossilized remains provides evidence of antecedent life forms.


  1. Preceding
  2. Earlier
  3. Precursor
  4. Preexistent
  5. Prior


  1. Subsequent
  2. Following
  3. Successor
  4. Later
  5. Future

Word Meaning in Hindi: पूर्ववृत्त (Poorvvrit) / पूर्वक्रिया (Poorvakriya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. पूर्ववृत्त घटनाएँ वर्तमान स्थिति की ओर ले आईं। (The antecedent events led to the current situation.)
  2. अध्ययनरत अवशेषों की खोज ने पूर्वक्रिया जीवन रूपों के साक्षात्कार का साक्षात्कार प्रदान किया। (The discovery of fossilized remains provides evidence of antecedent life forms.)
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