
Aghast (Adj.):

Pronunciation: uh-gast

Word Meaning: “Aghast” is an adjective that describes a feeling of shock, horror, or amazement, often accompanied by a sense of disbelief. It implies being struck with fear, surprise, or intense dismay.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Upon hearing the news, she was aghast at the magnitude of the disaster.
  2. The audience sat aghast as the unexpected twist in the plot unfolded.


  1. Shocked
  2. Appalled
  3. Horrified
  4. Stunned
  5. Dismayed


  1. Unfazed
  2. Unperturbed
  3. Unimpressed
  4. Unalarmed
  5. Unconcerned

Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “Aghast” can be translated into Hindi as “भौचक्का” (Bhauchakka) or “चौंका हुआ” (Chonka Hua).

Word Uses in Hindi:

  1. खबर सुनकर, उसे आपदा के परिमाण पर भौचक्का लगा। (Upon hearing the news, she was aghast at the magnitude of the disaster.)
  2. अचानक कहानी में हुए अप्रत्याशित पल के साथ, दर्शक भौचक्का बैठे रहे। (The audience sat aghast as the unexpected twist in the plot unfolded.)
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