
Adamant (Adj.):

Pronunciation: AD-uh-muhnt

Word Meaning: “Adamant” describes someone who is firm, unyielding, and determined in their beliefs or decisions. It can also refer to a substance that is extremely hard and resistant.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. Despite the protests, she remained adamant about her decision.
  2. The teacher was adamant that cheating would not be tolerated in the exam.


  1. Resolute
  2. Unyielding
  3. Stubborn
  4. Inflexible
  5. Steadfast


  1. Flexible
  2. Yielding
  3. Pliable
  4. Agreeable
  5. Indulgent

Word Meaning in Hindi: The word “Adamant” can be translated into Hindi as “अटल” (Atal) or “अड़ियल” (Adiyal).

Word Uses in Hindi:

  1. प्रतिवाद के बावजूद, उसने अपने निर्णय के प्रति अटल बना रखा। (Despite the protests, she remained adamant about her decision.)
  2. शिक्षक ने इसे स्पष्ट किया कि परीक्षा में धोखाधड़ी बर्दाश्त नहीं की जाएगी। (The teacher was adamant that cheating would not be tolerated in the exam.)
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