
Abstruse (Adj.):

Pronunciation: ab-stroos (pronounced as ab-stroos)

Word Meaning: Difficult to understand, obscure, or complex, especially in terms of ideas, language, or subject matter.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The professor’s lecture was filled with abstruse concepts that left the students perplexed.
  2. The book presented an abstruse analysis of quantum physics, challenging even the seasoned scientists.
  3. The legal document was written in such an abstruse manner that it required the expertise of a lawyer to decipher.


  1. Complex
  2. Complicated
  3. Cryptic
  4. Esoteric
  5. Inscrutable


  1. Clear
  2. Simple
  3. Straightforward
  4. Plain
  5. Accessible

Word Meaning in Hindi: गहन (Gahan) or कठिन (Kathin)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. प्रोफेसर का व्याख्यान उन गहन अवधारणाओं से भरा था जिससे छात्रों को विस्मित कर दिया गया। (The professor’s lecture was filled with abstruse concepts that left the students perplexed.)
  2. किताब ने क्वांटम भौतिकी के एक गहन विश्लेषण को प्रस्तुत किया, जो कि अनुभवी वैज्ञानिकों को भी चुनौती प्रदान करता है। (The book presented an abstruse analysis of quantum physics, challenging even the seasoned scientists.)
  3. कानूनी दस्तावेज इतने कठिन तरीके से लिखे गए थे कि उन्हें समझने के लिए एक वकील की आवश्यकता थी। (The legal document was written in such an abstruse manner that it required the expertise of a lawyer to decipher.)
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