
Abstinence (N):

Pronunciation: ab-stuh-nuhns (pronounced as ab-stuh-nuhns)

Word Meaning: The practice of refraining from indulging in certain activities, particularly the avoidance of certain foods, drinks, or pleasures, often for religious, health, or ethical reasons.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. His abstinence from sweets and junk food has contributed to his improved health.
  2. Many religions advocate for periods of abstinence, such as fasting during certain holidays.
  3. The doctor recommended abstinence from alcohol to support the patient’s recovery.


  1. Restraint
  2. Self-denial
  3. Moderation
  4. Sobriety
  5. Temperance


  1. Indulgence
  2. Excess
  3. Gluttony
  4. Hedonism
  5. Overconsumption

Word Meaning in Hindi: त्याग (Tyag) or ब्रह्मचर्य (Brahmacharya)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. उसकी मिठाईयों और जंक फ़ूड से त्याग करने ने उसके स्वास्थ्य में सुधार किया है। (His abstinence from sweets and junk food has contributed to his improved health.)
  2. कई धर्मों में त्याग के अवसरों की सिफारिश की जाती है, जैसे कि कुछ त्योहारों में उपवास। (Many religions advocate for periods of abstinence, such as fasting during certain holidays.)
  3. डॉक्टर ने मरीज की सहायता के लिए शराब से त्याग करने की सिफारिश की। (The doctor recommended abstinence from alcohol to support the patient’s recovery.)
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