
Abrogate (V):

Pronunciation: ab-ruh-geyt (pronounced as ab-ruh-geyt)

Word Meaning: To repeal, revoke, or annul, especially a law, treaty, or formal agreement.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The government decided to abrogate the outdated regulations that hindered economic growth.
  2. The international treaty was abrogated, leading to increased tensions between the two nations.
  3. It is challenging for any administration to abrogate constitutional rights without facing legal consequences.


  1. Repeal
  2. Cancel
  3. Nullify
  4. Invalidate
  5. Rescind


  1. Establish
  2. Enforce
  3. Implement
  4. Ratify
  5. Uphold

Word Meaning in Hindi: समाप्त करना (Samapt Karna) or निरस्त करना (Nirast Karna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. सरकार ने उन पुराने विनियमों को समाप्त करने का निर्णय किया जो आर्थिक विकास को बाधित कर रहे थे। (The government decided to abrogate the outdated regulations that hindered economic growth.)
  2. अंतरराष्ट्रीय समझौता समाप्त किया गया, जिससे दो राष्ट्रों के बीच तनाव में वृद्धि हुई। (The international treaty was abrogated, leading to increased tensions between the two nations.)
  3. किसी भी प्रशासन के लिए संविधानिक अधिकारों को निरस्त करना विधिक परिणामों का सामना करना है। (It is challenging for any administration to abrogate constitutional rights without facing legal consequences.)
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