
Abridged (Adj.):

Pronunciation: uh-brijd (pronounced as uh-brijd)

Word Meaning:

  1. Shortened or condensed, especially in terms of a written or spoken work.
  2. Reduced in scope or extent.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The abridged version of the novel is more suitable for a quick read.
  2. Due to time constraints, the lecturer presented an abridged version of his research findings.
  3. The abridged dictionary is perfect for students who need a concise reference.


  1. Condensed
  2. Shortened
  3. Compressed
  4. Brief
  5. Reduced


  1. Unabridged
  2. Extended
  3. Complete
  4. Full-length
  5. Expanded

Word Meaning in Hindi: संक्षेपित (Sankshipt) or संक्षेप रूप (Sankshetp Roop)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. कहानी का संक्षेपित संस्करण एक तेज़ रीड के लिए अधिक उपयुक्त है। (The abridged version of the novel is more suitable for a quick read.)
  2. समय की कमी के कारण, व्याख्याता ने अपने अनुसंधान फिंडिंग्स का संक्षेपित संस्करण प्रस्तुत किया। (Due to time constraints, the lecturer presented an abridged version of his research findings.)
  3. संक्षेपित कोश विद्यार्थियों के लिए एक संक्षेप संदर्भ के लिए पूर्ण है। (The abridged dictionary is perfect for students who need a concise reference.)
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