
Abase (V)

Pronunciation: /əˈbeɪs/

Meaning: Abase, as a verb, means to lower in rank, dignity, or esteem; to humiliate or degrade someone. It involves the act of reducing someone’s status or importance, often through disrespectful or demeaning behavior.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The manager did not want to abase any of the employees during the meeting.
  2. He refused to abase himself by begging for forgiveness.
  3. Using derogatory language to abase others is not acceptable.


  1. Humiliate
  2. Degrade
  3. Lower
  4. Disparage
  5. Depreciate


  1. Elevate
  2. Honor
  3. Respect
  4. Praise
  5. Dignify

Word Meaning in Hindi: अपमानित करना (Apamanit Karna)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. प्रबंधक ने मीटिंग के दौरान किसी को भी अपमानित करना नहीं चाहा। (The manager did not want to abase any of the employees during the meeting.)
  2. उसने क्षमा मांगने के लिए अपने आप को अपमानित करने से इनकार किया। (He refused to abase himself by begging for forgiveness.)
  3. दूसरों को अपमानित करने के लिए अपशब्दों का उपयोग करना स्वीकृत नहीं है। (Using derogatory language to abase others is not acceptable.)
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