
Abandon (V)

Pronunciation: /əˈbændən/

Meaning: Abandon, as a verb, means to leave or desert someone or something entirely, often in a reckless or careless manner. It can also refer to giving up or relinquishing control, responsibility, or support.

Uses in Sentence:

  1. The sailors had to abandon the sinking ship in lifeboats.
  2. She decided to abandon her old project and start afresh with a new idea.
  3. The puppy looked sad as its owner seemed to abandon it on the roadside.


  1. Forsake
  2. Desert
  3. Renounce
  4. Relinquish
  5. Surrender


  1. Embrace
  2. Adopt
  3. Keep
  4. Support
  5. Maintain

Word Meaning in Hindi: छोड़ना (Chhodna), त्यागना (tyaagana)

Word uses in Hindi:

  1. नाव डूब रही थी, और मात्स्यिकी ने जीवन बोटों में छोड़ दिया। (The boat was sinking, and the fishermen abandoned it in lifeboats.)
  2. उसने अपने पुराने परियोजना को छोड़ने का निर्णय लिया और एक नए विचार के साथ फिर से शुरू करने का निर्णय किया। (She decided to abandon her old project and start afresh with a new idea.)
  3. कुत्ते का मालिक उसे सड़क किनारे पर छोड़ने का आभास करा रहा था। (The dog’s owner seemed to be realizing the act of abandoning it on the roadside.)
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